If you’re not on Twitter, you’re not part of any useful conversation, and that’s becoming more and more of a fact.

Even when it comes to SEO, a presence on Twitter helps you astronomically, as well as appearing in Google’s Real-time results.

Evidently, Twitter contains a LOT of noise, from many different brands, but within that noise, there are a couple of companies that are really shining, and influencing the Twitterverse on a daily basis.

Here’s a digest of the best ones we found (and their following/follower ratios to back up their influence). Influence is measured by the disparity of your following/follower ratio, with the follower number being the most important. The more followers you have over and above your following numbers, the higher your Twitter influence.

Chevrolet = @AdamDenison: This Detroit-based manufacturer’s PR guy has recently helped tap into popular culture and infuse Chevrolet into the mainstream (156/573 Influence = 36%)

Marriott Hotels = @MarriottIntl: Their Twitter ‘concierge’ uses Twitter to pass on unbelievable offers and offer hints about Marriott in ways you never thought of (1017/1441 Influence = 14%)

Marvel Entertainment = @Marvel: The comic book goliaths use Twitter to spread news and information to their ever-growing and loyal fanbase (115/4435 Influence = 386%)

Google =  @Google: The search giant releases information early using Twitter and helps users solve problems (354/2892050 Influence  = 81,696%)

Dell Outlet = @DellOutlet: Selling refurbished Dell computers directly to the public ONLY through Twitter. A $3 million/year turnover for them (35/1579710 = 451,346%)

Virgin Blue = @VirginBlue: Sells last minute seats on its airlines, sometimes as little as $1 (7263/23522 = 324%)

Jetstar = @JetstarAirways: Solves customer service issues live (7445/13505 = 18%)

World Vision Australia = @WorldVisionAus: Uses the Twitterverse for opinions on crises around the world (1804/3404 = 19%)

Rio Tinto = @RioTinto: Releases news and information to investors and interested members of the public (129/3138 = 243%)

Dominos Pizza = @Pizza_Dominos: Releases online coupons and takes feedback online (703/4347 = 62%)

What’s your Twitter experience worth?

You can learn more about Social Media Expert,  Digital media and marketing company, social media management service and   Social Media Consultant,  by visiting - http://socialmediabrisbane.blogspot.com/

The change is so devastating to traditional retail, that bankruptcy and severe backlash is now common-place in many of the brands we (used to) know and love.

So how is the Australian social buying market different to the rest of the world?

Our population is one of the main reasons why Groupon will leave our market till the end, and why they’ve opened their 11th location within Florida, USA alone (that is, they now have 11 locations within Florida!). Australia just doesn’t have the manpower to group buy.

So what has that left us with? Some of the biggest successes on the web are deals of the day style websites, the most popular being http://dealsdirect.com.au … this model has been used and loved by the Australian consumer for years.

The fundamental shift towards Social Buying though, has meant that everyone is having a go at some kind of ‘incentivised discount purchase’ website, but none have got it right so far – until now.

The first true website to cater exclusively to the Australian online buying habits is http://dealme.com.au (another product by the Deals Direct team). The main difference being that instead of using a population-based methodology for sales, the sales are determined by a time limit – meaning anyone and everyone can save.

This not only helps the consumer to get a deal when they want it, without having to worry about a supporting network of buyers to share the advantage, but it helps those companies that want to list and market to the Australian public – allowing them to maximise their profits and come away with a winning situation, no matter the public response.

Another major difference is the breakdown of locality-exclusion, another Groupon-defined mechanism. This is a monumental error in the Australian market, as segregating cities leads to a squeeze of potential customers, especially since Australians have an increasingly mobile culture.

DealMe.com.au is the first true Social experience that defines the difference of the Australian market to the rest of the world, including the US. Users can share the deal because they think it’s a good deal, not to simply boost their chances of actually receiving this deal when the timer runs out.

A lot of the time, startups are looking overseas to form the basis of how they should be targetting Australians, but the fundamental attribute to any business aiming at targetting Australians, is understanding just how different Australia is to the rest of the world.

You can learn more about  Digital media and marketing company,  social media management service and  Social Media Consultant,  by visiting - http://socialmediabrisbane.blogspot.com/

The change is so devastating to traditional retail, that bankruptcy and severe backlash is now common-place in many of the brands we (used to) know and love.

So how is the Australian social buying market different to the rest of the world?

Our population is one of the main reasons why Groupon will leave our market till the end, and why they’ve opened their 11th location within Florida, USA alone (that is, they now have 11 locations within Florida!). Australia just doesn’t have the manpower to group buy.

So what has that left us with? Some of the biggest successes on the web are deals of the day style websites, the most popular being http://dealsdirect.com.au … this model has been used and loved by the Australian consumer for years.

The fundamental shift towards Social Buying though, has meant that everyone is having a go at some kind of ‘incentivised discount purchase’ website, but none have got it right so far – until now.

The first true website to cater exclusively to the Australian online buying habits is http://dealme.com.au (another product by the Deals Direct team). The main difference being that instead of using a population-based methodology for sales, the sales are determined by a time limit – meaning anyone and everyone can save.

This not only helps the consumer to get a deal when they want it, without having to worry about a supporting network of buyers to share the advantage, but it helps those companies that want to list and market to the Australian public – allowing them to maximise their profits and come away with a winning situation, no matter the public response.

Another major difference is the breakdown of locality-exclusion, another Groupon-defined mechanism. This is a monumental error in the Australian market, as segregating cities leads to a squeeze of potential customers, especially since Australians have an increasingly mobile culture.

DealMe.com.au is the first true Social experience that defines the difference of the Australian market to the rest of the world, including the US. Users can share the deal because they think it’s a good deal, not to simply boost their chances of actually receiving this deal when the timer runs out.

A lot of the time, startups are looking overseas to form the basis of how they should be targetting Australians, but the fundamental attribute to any business aiming at targetting Australians, is understanding just how different Australia is to the rest of the world.

You can learn more about Digital media and marketing company, social media management service and Social Media Consultant, by visiting - http://socialmediabrisbane.blogspot.com/

It’s true for many things, such as Facebook Places, which took Foursquare’s crown not that long ago, Facebook Questions, which almost destroyed Yahoo’s only dominant Social entrant, and now Facebook Marketplace, which could prove a direct competitor to eBay in the coming year (with all of its proposed upgrades and whatnot).

It’s hard to imagine a life without Facebook, and more importantly, 600 million consumers can’t get enough.

So how do you achieve notoriety on the worlds biggest network? A Viropoly is what you want (the point at which your Social Awareness makes your competition irrelevant).

Create a Facebook Page for your business or your product. That might sound easy, but it really is the first step. Without this, you’re still left scratching your head.

Tell everyone you know. Again, might sound easy, but sometimes it’s all it takes. If you’ve got, say 300-1000 friends, and you can ask them all to ‘Like’ your page, the follow-on effect that has puts your Page into the perspective of all of their friends, which could net you 1000's of Likes overnight

Tell everyone that would care. Check out Facebook Groups that align with your business objective. You’ll probably find groups with 1000's, if not 100’000's members of die-hard fans and passionate supporters of the industry you’re in. Just plug your Page and monitor the results.

Advermarket. Facebook’s PPC might not be as effective as Google’s Adwords at converting sales, but it sure is useful. You can target any age group, in any location, and even anyone who uses a specific keyword. Then all you need is to ‘incentivise’ your Likes (doesn’t have to be monumental, just give away an iPad or Facebook-only discounts for example), and you’re rolling.

Monitor, Respond and Measure. Take control of your Page, don’t let people spam their wares on your hard-earned Page, respond to all positive and negative posts and always take into consideration things that work and things that do not work (and then apply that to Viropoly Round #2).

Following these brief steps could lead to a greater generation of potential leads from Facebook like never before, whilst leaving your competitors in the dust. That’s a Viropoly.
You can learn more about Digital media and marketing company, social media management service, Social Media Expert and Social Media Consultant, by visiting - http://socialmediabrisbane.blogspot.com
You know, celebrity – or the desire to achieve such a status – has been the driving force of all ambition since we learned of direct benefits. This is also a direct effect of the digital media more the exposure to media more is the craving to achieve this kind of status. 

So much so, that until the internet came about, you really needed some kind of skill – be it singing, acting, sports – to gain enough traditional publicity to warrant people queuing for your signature. Talent and proper utilization of that talent was the key to gain a celebrity status.

That was until Social Media came into play.

There are now more ‘celebrities’ born of the web every day, than there were throughout our past.

For the most part, these celebrities are known as ‘influencers’. An influencer is distinguished from a celebrity because of one main difference – instead of pulling crowds into a new movie, they pull traffic. Constantly. Traffic is the most crucial part of any web based organization that yearns to reach the masses by the means of social or digital media.

These influencers appear everywhere. On YouTube, where the top 20 drivers of traffic are actually paid a salary by Google to continue to do what they do best. On Twitter, where 140 characters from a well-followed Twitterer reverberates faster and to more people than from a Journalist in traditional media. Right down to Facebook, where an influential member of a friendship network has the capabilities to encourage their whole network to convert.

From a business perspective, it is not only desirable to achieve such a status, but also crucial to tap into such influencers to get your message out. Once you have achieved this status you are the driver of the social circuit that you are in. Your ideas and your messages work wonders for your followers and you are in a position to control and change the trends prevalent in a particular market regarding a particular product or service.

It has never been more economical, efficient and powerful to engage the masses with the few, as it is today.

You can learn more about  Digital media and marketing company,  social media management service,  Social Media Expert  and  Social Media Consultant,  by visiting -  http://socialmediabrisbane.blogspot.com/