Study reveals some games have larger audiences than prime-time TV.

If you’ve ever heard of Farmville, or been annoyed at someone on Facebook asking you for grains for their sheep, you know about a platform with over 30 million weekly users.

That’s more than Dancing with the Stars (20m), NCIS (18m) and The Mentalist (15m).

So what makes Social Gaming so compelling? It’s the fact that you’re not only being entertained, but you’re playing against friends, or potential friends.

Some of the biggest Social Games, including Farmville, Frontierville (17m), and Texas Hold’Em Poker (16m), have planned advertising within the game experience itself. This means that your business could soon be integrating more tightly, within the relaxed, social entertainment mediums that your customers are spending plenty of eye-time on.

What do you think? Social Gaming just “games”?

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There is an incredibly huge war going on, right now.
It involves Governments, Billion-dollar enterprises and hackers – and it all has to do with Wikileaks.
Here’s some of the things we’ve seen happen, just today:
•    Amazon bans Wikileaks
•    Original Swedish host bans Wikileaks
•    Wikileaks considered a Terror organisation in the US
•    Julia Gillard cannot explain why founder Julian Assange is a criminal
•    China bans Wikileaks
•’s site down
•    Wikileaks now hosted on hundreds of mirror sites
•    Wanted for charges in Switzerland
•    Handing himself over to UK Authorities
•    Switzerland closing his bank account
•    PayPal denies Wikileaks
•    Mastercard denies Wikileaks
•    Twitter accused of not showing #Wikileaks in trending topics
•    Hackers attack websites that are anti-wikileaks
•    Hackers succeed in a Denial of Service attack on PayPal
•    Hackers succeed in a Denial of Service attack on banks that will not support Wikileaks
•    Hackers plan to attack Twitter
•    US trying to list WikiLeaks as a terrorist organisation
•    Columbian University students threatened against mentioning WikiLeaks
•    US Government warns of instant dismissal of any staff that mentions WikiLeaks in their Facebook or Twitter
•    Julian Assange lading the TIME 2010 Person of the Year list
•    WikiLeaks threatens to release a ‘poison pill’ of all documents, uncensored if Assange goes to jail
•    Sarah Palin says Assange should be ‘hunted like Osama bin Laden’
•    Anti-WikiLeaks Hackers begin to attack mirror sites after a DIY WikiLeaks mirror guide is released
•    WikiLeaks now a ‘Stateless’ organisation
•    Australia Post closes WikiLeaks PO Box
•    Sites like Pirate Bay and 4Chan publicly supporting a WikiLeaks uprising, supporting a type of “shadow internet” to host WikiLeaks
•    Canadian Govenment says if you read classified material without debriefing you lose your security clearance
•    Scotland Yard have ‘paperwork to arrest Assange’
•    Threats made against son of Assange

You can learn more about Digital media and marketing company, social media management service and Social Media Consultant, by visiting -