There is an incredibly huge war going on, right now.
It involves Governments, Billion-dollar enterprises and hackers – and it all has to do with Wikileaks.
Here’s some of the things we’ve seen happen, just today:
•    Amazon bans Wikileaks
•    Original Swedish host bans Wikileaks
•    Wikileaks considered a Terror organisation in the US
•    Julia Gillard cannot explain why founder Julian Assange is a criminal
•    China bans Wikileaks
•’s site down
•    Wikileaks now hosted on hundreds of mirror sites
•    Wanted for charges in Switzerland
•    Handing himself over to UK Authorities
•    Switzerland closing his bank account
•    PayPal denies Wikileaks
•    Mastercard denies Wikileaks
•    Twitter accused of not showing #Wikileaks in trending topics
•    Hackers attack websites that are anti-wikileaks
•    Hackers succeed in a Denial of Service attack on PayPal
•    Hackers succeed in a Denial of Service attack on banks that will not support Wikileaks
•    Hackers plan to attack Twitter
•    US trying to list WikiLeaks as a terrorist organisation
•    Columbian University students threatened against mentioning WikiLeaks
•    US Government warns of instant dismissal of any staff that mentions WikiLeaks in their Facebook or Twitter
•    Julian Assange lading the TIME 2010 Person of the Year list
•    WikiLeaks threatens to release a ‘poison pill’ of all documents, uncensored if Assange goes to jail
•    Sarah Palin says Assange should be ‘hunted like Osama bin Laden’
•    Anti-WikiLeaks Hackers begin to attack mirror sites after a DIY WikiLeaks mirror guide is released
•    WikiLeaks now a ‘Stateless’ organisation
•    Australia Post closes WikiLeaks PO Box
•    Sites like Pirate Bay and 4Chan publicly supporting a WikiLeaks uprising, supporting a type of “shadow internet” to host WikiLeaks
•    Canadian Govenment says if you read classified material without debriefing you lose your security clearance
•    Scotland Yard have ‘paperwork to arrest Assange’
•    Threats made against son of Assange

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